Interview mit Gardiner Millar

Spielt die Rolle des Yat'Yir

05.12.2005 · nilstuerke · Interviews, Merchandise

Interview mit Gardiner Millar
Auf der Seite gibt es ein Interview, das mit Gardiner Millar durch die Zeitschrift "TV Highlight" geführt wurde. Dort spricht er über seine Rolle als Jaffa Yat'yir in der 9. Staffel Stargate SG-1.

Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Interview:

TV Highlights: In the 9th season of Stargate SG-1 you play a new character called Yat'yir. What kind of a charater is he and to which race does he belong?

Gardiner Millar: Yat'yir is a Jaffa warrior who once belonged to the God "Montu". He is a strong warrior who is easily annoyed. He is not very diplomatic and sensitive. But I think that he is also some kind of a philosopher. He loves his people and does what he considers to be the best for them.

TVH: How does he get in contact with the SG-1 team?

GM: Yat'yir appears for the first time in the episode "Origin". As an actor I always wated to be on Stargate. [...] I'm a huge fan of science fiction and I felt really honored to work with the man (Louis Gossett Jr.) who played Jeriba in "Enemy Mine". It was not only very interesting to watch him act, he also impressed everybody with his kindness and charm. We spent our first day of shooting playing jokes on each other. That was a lot of fun.

TVH: What is his realtionship to Gerak like?

GM: He's Geraks lieutenant and very loyal to him. Even his pursue for power is secondarily to his loyalty.

TVH: Who are his enemies?

GM: His "nemesis" hasn't been revealed yet, but he mistrusts everybody who holds a grudge against Gerak. Gerak is his best friend. They have fought many battles together.


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